What is your idea of the perfect day?

perfect day
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A race for desires and luxury has made life hectic and crazy. At times when I feel exhausted, I slow down myself and take a break. Going on a long out-of-station break is all the time not feasible. So, sit back and think of how I would like to have my perfect day is the best way to relax. As I envision myself and write about it, I feel like living it for real and it gives me the same pleasure.

Here’s a description of my perfect day.

Morning: I would like to wake up early to see the sunrise on the beach, cherish the horizon and take a walk on the beach alone enjoying my own company. After spending an hour and a half with myself I would like to have a nice hot cup of tea sitting on the terrace facing the sea sharing a morning experience with my husband. After this, spending time with my daughter (she is six) playing football with her on the beach will satiate me like anything. It’s time for daily routines like taking a shower, preparing a nice and healthy breakfast mainly of freshly cut different-different fruits and fresh fruit juices (my husband loves fruits breakfast).

Day: I would like to read a book sitting quietly for hours undisturbed. For lunch, a potluck party with some good friends who make you laugh and cry both at the same time with their giggles. Thereafter a small nap time to regain energy for the evening. Later in the day, going out with friends for shopping will add to the delight.

Evening: Spending family time is the best time of all, so go for an evening walk on the beach where our little doll will run here and there, we will run after her to catch, get drenched in seawater and we all will laugh our lungs out enjoying every single bit of that moment. Watching the sunset holding each other’s is the best way to rest the day. Come home, have a nicely cooked dinner, later watch a fun-filled comedy movie with family is the perfect day’s ending.

This is the way I would like to have my perfect day. I have not spent it yet for real but in my mind, I live it every now and then, to retreat from the boring and hectic schedule and regain the energy to concentrate on the work. You can also sit back and think about your perfect day.

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