What things make you happy?

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What things make you happy?

Happiness is the key to a healthy life. No one else is in-charge of your happiness, so don’t let it ruin due to external factors. If outside circumstances seem to disturb your peace of mind, start consciously taking charge of the feelings and thoughts you have. Soon you’ll see that the things around you have changed from creating sadness to creating happiness.

To increase the happiness quotient, one can implement these:

Show thankfulness for all the things one has got in their lives. When we are thankful towards the present time; we get the things, we want in our future.

Playing with a toddler:
Toddlers are selfless, clear hearted so they laugh at tiny things you do. This gives us the essence of life that it’s all about living in harmony, enjoying the smallest of all and biggest of all, the presence of a loved one, giving the most precious thing: time.

Soft music:
Soft, calming and relaxing music gives us the most internal happiness and drains out the negativity beneath inside of us by injecting happiness.

Make a plan:
To plan a trip, party, etc. is as relaxing and energetic as doing it. So it’s not necessary to go for a trip every time but planning it every now and then gives you a boost like that of real time.

Help someone:
The Content feeling is always the source of happiness. When a needy person is helped we see the smile on his/her face and it gives us the quenched and leaves us happier at that moment.

Laugh every day:
Laughing releases a happy hormone called oxytocin. It uplifts our mood and moral. Even a smile is good to put you in a better place.

Family/Friend time:
Spend a little time talking to your loved ones in the family or friends. They are the support system for you. They are there in the ups and downs. As it reduces stress and enhances happiness.

Read a book:
Books are the best friend of a man is rightly said. Books not only impart knowledge but also help in getting positive energy by doing something we enjoy and feel overfed.

Do whatever… it takes to feel content and happy from within the soul.

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