Backpackers vs Glampackers

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Traveling doesn’t only include choosing a suitable destination place but also carrying a healthy pocket with you. It is quite understandable that budget is not the factor which should influence your traveling plan but unfortunately, it does. Your budget, traveling style and visiting places tell a lot about you being a backpacker or a glam packer. Read the following points of backpackers vs glampackers:

The dressing style of backpackers is way too different from that of glampackers. Backpackers are comfort-lovers and are thus always dressed in loose pants, shorts or long tees. But the glampackers are elegantly dressed whenever they are traveling so as to keep their style statements high.

Budget draws a very fine distinguishing line between backpackers and glampackers. Backpackers usually have a very low or limited budget defined for their traveling plans whereas the glampackers are often born with silver spoons in their mouth. They plan their traveling times with a heavy and unlimited budget.

The comfort- loving backpackers always try to manage their stays at ‘ the cheap and best’ places where they can mind their budgets as well. But the luxury-loving glampackers are found to enjoy their stays at the most elegant hotels and resorts. They plan their vacations just to enjoy their riches at different places.

The choice of travel destinations also makes a clear comparison between the backpackers and the glampackers. The backpackers prefer to enjoy and explore their travel plans in the real lap of nature without any artificially cultured environments. But the glampackers prefer their rich and elegant lifestyle more than the real sense of exploration. So they are not much attracted to the places where they will have to step out of their comfort zones.

The backpackers always make sure that they study their destination venues much more than the glampackers. They have to manage their budgets so they like to pay lesser and gain healthier experiences. But the glampackers prefer to spend on the tourist guides instead of performing the research on their own.

Exploring your hidden traveling instincts doesn’t depend upon whether you are a backpacker or a glampacker. But of course, budget matters a lot- so you should be focusing on visiting maximum places within budget. And this is possible with a backpacker’s traveling style.

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