Why you will regret not travelling on your death bed?

regret not travelling
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‘TRAVEL’ might be visiting places, seeing new things for some but for true travelers it is an emotion. Emotion that is based on not just visiting new places but finding your true self. Travelers find their inner happiness, inner peace on their journey, which is a drug that keeps them going.

We are surrounded and engulfed by the responsibilities and roles that we play in our regular life. Everybody seeks that inner peace of mind and happiness through one way or another. Travelers get all of it and much more through their journey of travelling.
They not only get to see new places but also their true self. They get to know better of themselves and develop a better understanding of the world and people around them.

Travelers get to explore new places, new cultures, new people, which helps them, evolve. They gain enormous amount of experience and the learning while travelling which helps them adjust better in their surroundings and do well for themselves and the people around them, which makes life concepts simpler to understand.

Travelers find their happiness while travelling. Out of the regular routine, a traveler becomes someone he/she always wanted to be, live the way he/she always wanted to live, do things that makes oneself happy.

Travelling with your beloved helps you to get to know them better and vice versa. It not only improves the understanding level between the two but also takes relations to a new comfortable height.

Travelling solo has it’s own advantages. You get to interact with new people of which some might become your life long companions. The friendships you build on your travel journeys are the ones you cherish all your life.

Travelling is much more than you can imagine. The experience of travelling in whole is divine. It not only broadens your mind but also helps you find your lost soul.

Travel if you can. As much as you can because if you don’t, this is the one thing that you are going to regret when you lie ill and old waiting for your time to go on your death bed.

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