Write an open letter to someone or a company?

open Letter
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Open letter to a company or the boss is like sharing the positives and negatives of them in a friendly manner which is not that easy. Yet people and organizations are taking them constructively as a reflection to benefit the culture and strategy in the workplace. Today’s management understood and they value the importance of interdependence and collaboration, So, this is the reason they have become more open to feedback as they always need to improve their performance.

Here are some intriguing topics that can be used while writing an Open Letter:

1. Things that need to be stopped: There are many things that are added and recommended for the betterment of a company’s culture which can be suggested by the employees. But stopping the inconvenient and irrelevant costumes followed by a person or the organization is equally important.

2. Unfruitful working stuff and the ways of making them better: Point out any useless working style or ritual and along with, tell a solution for making it right or at least better.

3. Things required to bring the best self of the worker: Most important and challenging part is to support the employee by providing a cordial atmosphere and full structure to them. Each person in the company must be able to show creativity to its maximum and progress along with the organization.

4. Introduce new programs and technology:
To make an office a better place to work and achieve the highest productivity with each passing year, new policies, programs and technologies are in need to be informed as for the performance-enhancing options.

5. Contribution to business success: Show the willingness and enthusiasm of growing with the growth of the company/senior. Dedication and self-motivation to work towards the common goal of business growth is something every company looks up to in an employee.

6. Your future with that of the company: How you see your future in the next few years working in the same company? What are the steps that can be taken to speed up both in one direction? Share the dreams and the ways of fulfilling them.

These are few of the things “open letter” can talk about. With respectful means, it’s always good to share the thought keep on wandering you.

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